Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fallen Fae

Fae of death.  Fae of darkness.

Fallen Gods Inc: Hybrid grey clown
HoD: Lustful "Chained" - Silver Lining
HoD: End of the night prt. 1 - Razor
HoD: Thrust v2 - Razor
Truth: Demi - smoke (Mesh)
Deviance: Skirt from Enchantress - Onyx
Deviance: Spider ring from Drow Priestess
Glam Affair: Festival of sin - Collar c
Fancy Fairy: Thistle scripted wings - Grave
Repulse: Living dead eyes v2
A&Y: Deuz boots metallic - Black

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Sept. 24th - Oct 23rd

Spring time has hit down under (Australia). Now that it's starting to warm up, 
time to lose a few layers and do a little spring cleaning :P

                        Seeing I'm a libran, I thought I'd check out the latest round at Zodiac. 

Latest release for Haus of Darcy 'End of the night' piercing set...gorgeous! 

Must thank the following for my spring cleaning attire:
Apponos Aprons: Zodiac - Libra Elemental
HoD: End of the night piercing set
HoD: Digital Studded Spinal Piercing
HoD: Dragon studs - Razor (ear)
Glam Affair: Lilith skin - Artic 01
J's: Studded long boots - black
Ploom: Long Day hair - Indecisive
Izumiya: SS pose F11 (Pic 1)
!Bang: Back up 3  (Pic 2)

Monday, September 24, 2012


Latest releases from:
Tableau Vivant: Armwarmers - black (Mesh)
HoD: End of the night piercing set (Available 12am Tuesday, 24th Sept. - Horror Haute)
Glam Affair: Lilith Creatura 01 (Available from ---> Fair)
Tonktastic: Cargo pants - Unicolor (Mesh)

Other credits:
Tableau Vivant: Net shirt - Ripped
Glam Affair: Leah lipstick 22
Glam Affair: Regina lashes 5
Deco: Rivet boots - coal (Mesh)
SiniStyle: Taped fingers & black nails
Lamb: Phenomena - Ink
Wasabi Pills: Hair base - Long - Ash
Repulse: Living dead v2 eyes 
League: Duct tape - black


Location: No Salvation

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Playing with Acid Lilies

Here are some of the items available at Acid Lily gallery this week,
and nothing is over L$70.

Taxi to Acid Lily gallery  

Acid Lily credits
Outfit 1:
Sassy: Venus mesh top - spring green (mesh)
Sassy: Denim mini-skirt - black

Outfit 2:
Stunna inc: Ruffles dress - purple (mesh)

Outfit 3:
Lace top - LoveCats - Moirai outfit
Pants - into dust - falls mesh skinnies - black (mesh)

Other sexy items pictured
Tableau Vivant: Mesh armwarmers - black (New release)
Glam Affair: (1st pics) Lillith - Artic 05
Glam Affair: Roza - The arcade gacha event - 03
HoD: TV 1 piercing (face)
HoD: Provocation piercing prt 2. -Razor (Chest)
HoD: Dragon studs (right ear)
HoD: Thrush v2. slide with shadow (Lower abdomen)
Lamb: Phenomena - ink
Wasabi pills: Hair base - long ash (from Dominique Mesh Hair)
Grollwerks: Hoof boots - Black (New release)
Sinistyle: Taped fingers with black nails
Ikon: Utopia Eyes - Pale Silver
Delusions: Sleeve Tattoo - Web of Deceit

Friday, September 7, 2012

Utopian counterpart

Glam Affair Roza Baroq skin is stunning  <3

Aydan Darcy of HoD has continued to impress with his latest release 
Counterpart ear piercing & gauge set (left ear)

 These boots...RAWR!!!!

Wasabi pills: Veronica mesh hair - Ash
HoD: Counterpart Ear Piercing & Gauge Set - Razor
HoD: Provocation Piercing prt 2 - Razor
HoD: TV 1 piercing (edited) - Slide
Glam Affair:  Roza - BaroQ - 02
Deviance: Pants from BloodRayne outfit - Green
Deviance: Top from Enchantress outfit - Onyx
A&Y: Deuz Boots Metallic - Black
BOOM: Duveteux Rayonnant Jacket - Noir
IKON: Utopia Eyes - Pale Silver
SiniStyle: Taped fingers & Black nails
Poses: vMotional