She sits alone on the floor, in a dark empty room with nothing more than a lit candle. Thoughts of a man, long since past, begin to flourish from deep within her subconscious. As the candle slowly burns down, she stares at the flame as it dances upon the pool of melted wax. It's gentle flicker, hypnotic. Her body relaxes and her mind wonders to a realm not of the living. With an out stretched arm, he comes to her. Gently placing his finger tips upon her shoulder. She begins to remember all that he was.
She stands and faces the ghostly image. Then as she throws herself into his outstretched arms, a Kate Bush song begins to plays in her head. And as if possessed, her body begins to move and dance around the room.
Embraced in his memory, she continues dance with her Angel.
Together, they move as though they have never been apart.

She closes her eyes and breaths him in, his scent forever familiar.
She knows this moment wont last much longer, as his presence begin to fade.
Relinquished. As two become one, the candle goes out. Tears begin to fall upon her cheeks, as the realisation that he has gone once again, begins to set in. They are not tears of sadness but of joy. She can feel him watching over her.
He shall remain in her mind and heart forever.
This post is dedicated to those that have also lost someone close to them.
May they forever stay strong in our hearts, for it is us that keeps their memory alive.
Outfit: []Trap[] Spiked coat and spiked pants
Hair: Ploom - Tarion (Snow)
Skin: Myverna - Platinum drow ears and skin (Blue lips Black eyeband)
Eyes: (House of Ruin) now Rue
Pose pic 1: Diesel Works - Emo 2
Pose pic 2 3 4 5: Studio Sidhe - Running up that hill (couples poses)
Pose pic 6: Imerial Elegance - Despair 07
Candle: Low prim high style - Cranberry candle